DELKOS BREAKING NEWS: 87.5% probability that UB will trend up for the next few hours.

The latest IT GDP Growth Rate QoQ Adv number has been released as 2.7%.
There is a 87.5% probability that UB will trend up for the next few hours.

This probability is based on the last 12 IT GDP Growth Rate QoQ Adv events, in which 7 of the last 8 events where the actual number was greater than than the economist consensus resulted in an up trend of UB.

Here are images of the past events:

Friday 30 Apr at 08:00 AM GMT:

Friday 30 Oct at 09:00 AM GMT:

Friday 31 Jul at 08:00 AM GMT:

Thursday 30 Apr at 10:00 AM GMT:

Thursday 31 Oct at 11:00 AM GMT:

Wednesday 31 Jul at 10:00 AM GMT:

Tuesday 30 Apr at 10:00 AM GMT:

Disclaimer: Past performance may not be indicative of future performance